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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


For my recent birthday I decided to give myself the gift of re-dedication to my first vocation -- Cartooning. I have mentioned before how the only thing I have ever wanted to be, for as long as I can remember, is a cartoonist, and yet that is the very thing that I continually put aside in favor of all the other aspects of my life --The ONE effortless and wonder-filled thing that replenishes and overflows my heart with the radiant joy and whimsy of my True, Authentic self. 

I realized recently that I no longer think like a cartoonist. It used to be that I would watch my life unfold like a graphic novel, with visions of how I’d draw certain scenes or situations, as well as how I’d organize them on a page. It is time to devote more time and energy to exercising that particular muscle of creativity. And so I am committing myself to drawing 3-4 comics per week, starting with the following two...