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Friday, June 16, 2023


I've long talked about how being a Shaman, especially at times when I had another day job, feels like what it must feel like to be Peter Parker - Living two different lives in two different worlds. Even today, as a full-time Shaman, I'm still learning to integrate the realities and truths of shamanic life with the logistics and limits of the 'mundane' world. 

In a previous comic from twenty years ago, I drew Longleg the dog carrying a hefty stack of library books with fictitious titles to be checked out, then asks for some books he has on hold, including one entitled "Living a Quantum Reality in a Newtonian World" (highlighted below).  That in a nutshell is what I'm describing, and I'm secretly hoping that someday someone (perhaps me?!) actually writes that book. 

By the way, his library account number is actually the phone number (plus area code 320) of Gary's Pizza in St Joseph, Minnesota, which made up the major proportion of pizza consumption during my college career at near by St John's University (which is why I still have it memorized all these decades later).