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Friday, December 2, 2022


 I've been going through a lot of changes, and a lot of tears, lately. One of the things coming up again and again is my dreams of a cartooning career. I've been so focused on getting my Shaman practice going I haven't really been moving in the direction of my comics, at least professionally. So I've been pivoting slightly to learn how to bring my comics more into focus as a profession alongside my shamanic business. 

Then I watched a documentary on Mickey Mouse. Tears welled up in my eyes as parts of me started waking up that I'd forgotten. Looking beyond the sleek corporation empirical image, I once again was able to touch the innocence and magick I knew as a boy. The excitement returned that I once felt with every new Disney movie or cartoon for the new worlds I'd explore and the new friends I would meet. Through tears the realization dawned on how absolutely influential Walt Disney was on me. Pretty much everything about who I am today, from my whimsical, dreamer heart, and my belief in magick and wishing on stars, to my optimism and my spiritual outlook I owe in large part to Walt Disney.

“Remember, it all started with a mouse.”

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