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Monday, August 30, 2021

Dismem-Boar-ment page 5

We have a special "Two-fer" for today! Because I have had absolutely no one show up for a card reading today, I've been able to finish and post a whole nother page the same day I posted the previous one.

Please click on the Dismem-boar-ment label below to read all the previous pages!

Dismem-Boar-ment page 4

Here is the 4th page of my 'dismem-boar-ment' experience with my Matron Goddess, Artemis. To read all the pages thus far, please click on the Dismem-boar-ment label below!


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dismem-Boar-ment page 3

Page 3 of my recent dismemberment journey with Artemis.


Though it may seem like a gruesome prospect, dismemberment is a very healing, and painless, process for expanding beyond the ego and deepening your awareness of your connection with the Divine. That is why I included the quote from Sandra Ingerman on the last page in order to give some context and purpose to something which, to our civilized minds, might appear punitive and/or destructive, but which actually frees us, safely and sacredly, from the bonds that hold us captive to a more limited perspective of reality, and separates us from our own innate, Divine nature. 

From Walking In Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life by Sandra Ingerman

Click on the Dismem-boar-ment label below to see all the published pages thus far.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Dismem-Boar-ment p2

Page 2! Click on the Dismem-boar-ment label below to see all pages of this comic so far!


Monday, August 23, 2021

Dismem-Boar-ment p1

 And thus beginneth another multi-page comic on a recent shamanic adventure...

Click on the Dismem-boar-ment label below to see all pages of this comic so far!

Thursday, August 19, 2021