Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What Timmons Does Best

The last few months have been exceptionally challenging, having unexpectedly lost my father, and then my beloved cat, Mr Timmons, a short two weeks later. 

It's interesting how their deaths have spurred on rebirth in me, as I slog my way through the grief of their loss and the anxiety of rebuilding the foundation of my personal identity, of which I didn't realize how big a part my dad actually played.

I'm almost embarrassed that it's been close to a year since I've drawn my comics, and that it took this pair of deaths to reignite my dedication to the art form that has been my vocational calling since childhood. I literally, from my earliest memories, have never wanted to be anything but a cartoonist

So here is the first of many comics to come, with deepest gratitude to my dad and to Mr T...